Brought to you by: VeryNiceVeryNice


About the Movie

director: Simon Davidson

West Vancouver, British Columbia

March 25-26, 2020

5min 15sec

shot on: Black Magic Pocket Camera / iPhone

edited with: FCPX

The day-to-day struggles of a young girl with dyslexia and her attempts to learn remotely during isolation times.

“When we began isolation, I started working with my nine year old daughter on her remote learning assignments. She is dyslexic and during our isolation time I became acutely aware of her every day struggles. Pre-isolation most of her in classroom education was delivered through written words and since lockdown, all of it is delivered this way. At school her days were filled with the struggle to avoid being singled out, or isolated from her peers. She formed strategies to avoid being confronted with written words: memorizing text, trading math for reading from her friends. She told me that learning at home reduced her stress and provided her with a sense of calm. I found it enlightening to learn how her mind works and impressed to see her determination.” – Simon Davidson