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To Do List

About the Movie

director: Justina Neepin

Headingley, Manitoba

May 18 - 20, 2020

5min 15sec

shot on: iPhone and Canon XC10

edited with: iMovie

A working mom tries to maintain her routine while in isolation.

“I was struggling to write my short film because I had a million ideas but nothing felt right so I started shooting stop motion tests with a stop motion app and built the story from that. What I got was a visual story of a working mom trying to maintain her routine while in isolation but her mental and physical health can suffer. Like the medicine wheel, you have to have balance in all areas to be healthy. If your spiritual or mental health suffers then your emotional and physical can also suffer. So while we are all trying to maintain our routines during these crazy times, we have to remember to always take time to pray, smudge, meditate, or even just relax and do things that make us happy. Nothing is normal right now so don’t expect yourself to feel normal. Always be kind to yourself.” – Justina Neepin